Equiforce Lyte
EquiForce Lyte is a highly concentrated electrolyte with added chelated micronutrients and powerful antioxidants.
EquiForce Lyte provides optimum electrolyte and fluid balance and effective protection of equine muscles for greater endurance and faster recovery during strenuous physical activity, transport, or competition.
Dosage - 10 gr per 100 kg body weight (if heavy sweating occurs after 2-3 days, dose should be increased)
weight - 1.5 kg is sufficient for 30 days
Sodium (Na) 200 g 10 g
Potassium (K) 80 g 4 g
Chloride (Cl) 381 g 19 g
Calcium (Ca) 10 g 0.5 g
Magnesium (Mg) 20 g 1.0 mg
Copper (Cu) 600 mg 30 mg
Manganese (Mn) 900 mg 45 mg
Zinc (Zn) 1000 mg 50 mg
Selenium (Se) 10 mg 0.5 mg
Vitamin C 6000 mg 300 mg
Natural Vitamin E10000 mg 500 mg